Proof of Concept Study for Comfort Stations at Kokeʻe State Park, Kealakekua Bay State Park, and Wailua River State Park
Currently, there are no standard designs for comfort station facilities serving the Division of State Parks, DLNR statewide park system. Replacement and new facilities typically require consultants to produce new designs rather than having design prototypes that can be replicated as needed. The primary objective of this project is to provide State Parks with guidance on design standards and concepts for new and replacement comfort stations. Through the development of design guidelines and proof of concept studies, the UHCDC will test ideas for comfort station typologies in coastal, ridge, and valley-stream environments.
Client: Department of Land and Natural Resources State Parks Division
Principal Investigator: Lance Walters
Project Staff: Zachary Streitz
Student Project Assistants: Sarah Hyun, Elliot Lazo, Moises Lio Can, Christopher Lomboy, Khoa Nguyen, Rollin Ritter
Course integration: Spring 2018 ARCH 235