Charlot House Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Plan
Historic Hawaii Foundation partnered with the University of Hawai’i Community Design Center (UHCDC) to prepare a Natural Disaster Preparation and Mitigation Plan for the historic Jean & Zohmah Charlot House. A multi-disciplinary team included a partnership with the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center to develop and implement a disaster preparedness plan for the Charlot House. UHCDC hosted a virtual workshop, comprised of three meetings, to gather expertise from across disciplines to evaluate different mitigation strategies for hurricane, flooding, and fire events that consider impacts to the historic character of the house among other factors. The first meeting introduced workshop participants to the objectives of this effort, to the house, and to the material compiled on this website. The second meeting asked participants to assess a short list of compiled strategies or to propose new strategies to help frame Disaster Preparation and Mitigation Plan for the house. The findings from the two workshop days were synthesized and presented at the third meeting. The team arrived at a disaster plan process that included six general steps: identify hazards, document historic character-defining features, document existing site vulnerabilities and opportunities, map hazards, review literature, compile strategies, and engage subject matter experts.
Client: Historic Hawaiʻi Foundation
Principal Investigator: Cathi Ho Schar FAIA
Co-Investigators: Karl Kim PhD, Wendy Meguro AIA
Project Staff: Rebecca Denzer
Project Team: Kiana Dai, Creesha Layaoen, Sequoia Riley, Megan Russell
Special Thanks to: Charlot House caretakers Keola Annino and Jaeho Choi
Project date: Spring 2022